This coming WEDNESDAY NIGHT, August 4th, we welcome two different Candidates to the Red Mountain Tea Party. Mr. Jeff Smith, who is a candidate for the US House of Representatives in District 6 and Mr. Justin Olson, who is a candidate for the State House of Representatives in District 19. This could be your last time to hear what they stand for before the Primary Election so be sure to come with your tough questions. The Program for the night will include the following:
1. Jeff Smith (Candidate for US House of Representatives)
2. Justin Olson (Candidate for State House of Representatives)
3. Patriotic Songs
4. Constitutional Principles will be Taught
Meeting Back at Legacy School
7618 E. University on Sossaman and University Drive
Please remember that this meeting and most of our regular meetings will be held at Legacy School on Sossaman and University Drive at the Red Light unless notified ahead of a change. Our meetings going forward will be held on WEDNESDAY NIGHTS and not Thursday. Help us spread the word on the changes.
We want to Thank all of you who are trying to invite everyone you know to attend the meetings. I commit to do my very best to have an interesting and educational meeting. It is my goal to motivate, educate and inform based on constitutional principles at every meeting. Once people attend the meeting we find that most enjoy it and a breakthrough is made. It will be a sacrifice but if you have to buy your friends and family dinner before the meeting, please do so to get them there. We have to recruit and find all Americans who want their country back to win this battle. Many people want to join with us but just haven't heard about us yet.
We must return this great country to the constitution and hand them to all we come in contact with. We will have plenty available on Wednesday night for just $1 each. We will also have the best foundational book on the Constitution to offer called "The 5000 Year Leap."

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