I recieved this as an email and I'm passing it along here on my blog.
Though the pressure activists placed on Congress and the NRA last week made Nancy Pelosi postpone the vote on the DISCLOSE Act, she's now scheduled a vote for this Wednesday.
It's vital that every Second Amendment activist understand what's at stake here, and act today!
We're not just talking about legislation that would shut down groups in Washington, D.C.
The DISCLOSE Act will kill off every state-level association and group in the entire country, while keeping major left-wing radical groups intact - (and, with their exemption, the NRA).
This is not only counterproductive to our liberties, but tactically it's just plain stupid.
The enemies of freedom will kill off, one by one, every pro-freedom group in America, until there is only one.... and then they'll kill them off, with no one left to defend the Second Amendment.
Any kind of "deal" (NRA Executive V.P. Wayne LaPierre admitted the deal on the Lars Larsen radio show) with Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
They are only attempting to divide the gun community (which the NRA exemption deal does) in order to conquer us.
And why are the Dems so anxious to pass this bill?
It's the best way they can pass gun control. Remove gun owners' voices from the fight and it means there's nothing stopping a repeal of your gun rights.
Why did Democrat leadership cut the deal with the NRA? There's only one reason -- they didn't have the votes to pass it.
And now that the NRA has it's exemption (from the draconian free speech limits of the DISCLOSE Act), Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer believe they can pass this outrageous restriction of your rights to free speech.
Again: the only weapon gun owners have to save their gun rights is their First Amendment right to free speech.
No amount of gymnastics by NRA leadership nor by politicians can smooth over this absolutely traitorous deal with the devil.
What can you do?
First, call the NRA (even if you called them last week) to tell them you don't support their despicable deal on the DISCLOSE Act.
You can reach some of these leaders at the NRA directly:
Ronald L. Schmeits, NRA President:
18 Private Road #2001ST
Raton NM 87740
575-445-5836, 575-445-2080 fax
Charles L. Cunningham, Director, NRA-ILA Federal Affairs:
4864 Oakcrest Drive
Fairfax VA 22030
703-352-3245, 202-651-2570 fax
David A. Keene, NRA 1st Vice President:
5602 Dawes Avenue
Alexandria VA 22311-1102
James W. Porter II, NRA 2nd Vice President:
215 21st Street N #1000
Birmingham AL 35203-3710
You can call your member of Congress at this number:
you can email them here
Tell your Congressman to oppose the DISCLOSE Act -- regardless of the NRA's deal -- at every turn.
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights!
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