Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Senator Thomas Gore

Senator Thomas Gore of Oklahoma said the following during the depression.

No depression, Gore argued, "can be ended by gifts, gratuities,doles, and alms handed out by the Federal Treasury. and extorted from taxpayers that are bleeding from every pore." On the issue of relief, especially Gore argued that state and city officials "have immediate contact" with hardship cases and can best "superintend the dispensation of charity." Soon after the ERA brought federal relief into existence, Gore said "The day on which we began to make these loans by the Federal Government to States, counties, and cities was a more evil day in the history of the Republic that the day on which the Confederacy fired upon Fort Sumter."

Gore led the charge against funding these programs but hopelessly outnumbered by those who FDR had under his control. Gore was a Democrat who opposed the government spending and it cost him his job at the next election. After receiving an angry telegram, it was 1935 he responded back with the following telegram.

"Shows how the dole spoils the soul. Your telegram intimates that you votes are for sale. Much as I value votes I am not in the market. I cannot consent to buy votes with the people's money I owe a debt to the taxpayer as well as to the unemployed."

Shortly after sending this he was led to the senate floor for Senator Gore was blind and voted no. Where can we find some American servants like Senator Thomas Gore to clean this mess up.

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