Sunday, June 13, 2010

More Tea to Throw Overboard!

Here are some daunting pictures coming from the Gulf of Mexico.

The Gulf Oil spill and Illegal Immigration are the two most expensive and damaging Man-made Ecological and Human Disasters ever to hit the United States of America. The first disaster in Arizona, has been going on for decades and yet has been entirely ignored by our federal government and politicians. The second disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, began a couple of months ago and seems to be attracting the attention and help of the entire federal government and the world at large.

The first disaster in Arizona, known as illegal immigration, has not only brought Ecological disaster to the pristine, beautiful deserts of southern Arizona, but it has spawned human disaster as well by way of human smuggling, drug running, murder , rape, kidnapping, home invasion, identity theft, car jacking, burglary, and jobs taken from Arizona citizens etc... There are areas in southern Arizona where our own government has placed signs up across the deserts warning us not to enter because of the danger and lawlessness that exists there from this problem. We have a WAR ZONE right here in Arizona that the politicians have been ignoring for years. Where else would such a thing be allowed????

Arizona has tryed for years to get our Federal Government to abide by the constitution and do their duty to SECURE OUR BORDERS. They continue to ignore one of the greatest Human and Ecological disasters to ever hit the United States and yet the cost to Arizona alone from this problem is $2.7 Billion a YEAR. Nationwide some research has shown that the cost is about $300 Billion A YEAR when you take into account Education, Welfare, Incarceration, as well as Billions of dollars sent back to Mexico each year. This is compared to what is said might be the total cost of repair for the Gulf Oil spill at about $20 to $30 Billion total.

While President Obama has no problem publicly castigating the CEO of BP Oil company, he has at the same time no problem allowing Mexico President Calderon to come into our own Nation's Capitol building to speak to a Joint session of Congress to criticize our own country over the treatment of illegal aliens. He saved special criticism for Arizona and their new law SB 1070 while he himself continues to encourage his own citizens in Mexico to break our laws.

The Gulf of Mexico Oil spill is also a Human and Ecological disaster brought on from drilling a mile below the surface of the ocean because the environmentalists didn't want it near their beautiful beaches. Sadly, that didn't work out so well for them. The oil is just beginning to hit the beautiful seashores and pictures of dead and sickened animals are beginning to appear everywhere on the Internet. This disaster deserves the attention it is getting but no more than the disaster in Arizona. The consequences from both will be felt for decades. In the case of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill you will see companies and workers receive compensation for lost wages and those who have been physically sickened or injured will receive settlements from the government and from BP oil company, and rightfully so. This is not true in Arizona. There have been no committees set up to repay Arizona for the failure of the Federal Government to secure the border or to make whole all the people who have suffered damage in one way or another from Illegal Immigration.

Arizona hasn't attracted even a fraction of the media attention that the Gulf Spill has. I don't see a government doing all they can to correct the problem or "kicking butt" as the President recently said. The politicians have actually been intentionally ignoring the illegal immigration problem for years. Our very own Senators have done NOTHING to help their own state on this issue even though John McCain has been serving us for 27 years and Jon Kyl about 18 years. We Arizonans expected the 10 point plan 10 to 20 years ago.

It is well beyond the time we DEMAND that the Federal Government face the ugly truth of this DISASTER, and secure the borders of the United States of America. And it is high time that "We the People" hold responsible the politicians that have been ignoring their duty to clean up the disaster in Arizona. We WILL NOT BE IGNORED ANY LONGER!

Here is a must watch video on Arizona's Deserts:

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