Friday, June 25, 2010

Where is the real John McCain

I'm adding to the top of this post that McCain finally agreed to debate Hayworth on July 16 & 17. The first debate will air on KTVK channel 3 in Phoenix at 7 p.m. on July 16.

The second will air on KUAT channel 6 in Tucson at 7 p.m. on July 17.

 Senator John McCain came out two months ago with his ten point plan for border security after the state of Arizona passed sb1070.  My question for the senator is where have you been? This problem didn't suddenly become a problem in 2010, its been there ever since you have been in office and even before.  He was a sponsor of the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 which basically was amnesty.  We are now to believe that McCain is just about securing the border, he has reluctantly endorsed sb1070 while his opponent JD Hayworth has praised it.  McCain has done more about faces on this issue than just about any others, It's an election year and he's having a serious challenge for the first time in many years, if ever.

 We have seen in this campaign attacks that claim that JD Hayworth is a lobbyist in Washington, It's completely true.  JD Hayworth had one client, It was a friend and he only registered as a lobbyist to avoid any legal trouble that might manifest itself.  You see the ads that imply a very different idea about what Hayworth was lobbying for was something other than a friend who was having a intellectual property dispute.  If only John McCain had run such a campaign against our current president maybe the result would have been much different for him.  His so willing to sling accusations around in this election but failed at pointing out flaws and motives of the president. 

McCain opposed the bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, voted for TARP and claims that they lied to him about where the money was going.  I would think a long term Senator would have asked the right questions to begin with not trusting anyone in Washington.  McCain has served the state well but I believe the time has come for change here in AZ.  I will be voting for JD Hayworth at our August primary's, I encourage ever Arizonan to register and vote for change starts with the citizen's.

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  1. Blaine, I wanted to be there last night, but alas, was not able to be there. What's with this new ad with JD Hayworth pitching free grant money from the gov't? Did he mention that at all?

    I want to "like" JD! I really DO! And I'm not bothered by the lobbying gig. That's a moot point, IMO. He's trying to provide for his family, and he understood the nature of the group he was lobbying for, because he served on that committee. I'm okay with that.

    But this other has me a little bothered by it, along with the Abramoff scandal.

    I'm willing to forgive people, but it helps to know that they're contrite about it. Just wanted to know if there was more to this that I missed last night.

  2. Stacie McCain's people already pulled this attack ad, it's a complete lie and nobody even brought it up last night. He addressed the whold Abramoff thing the last time he was at our meeting. I don't remember exactly what he said but I personally was satisfied by his answer about this matter. I'm not saying JD is even close to perfect, I'm just fed up with McCain
