Capitalism must never become obsolete
There has been a dark side of Capitalism from the start but every economic model has it's detractors. The problem with modern Capitalism is the Crony Capitalism that has been allowed to happen in Washington and around this country. In the pure sense of Capitalism you have risk, You must moderate your risk over reward when dealing with your business. Your failure or success will depend on you, your ability to sell/market your product and compete with those selling similar products or services. We have this type everyday in America at Mom and Pop stores, boutiques, book stores, grocery stores, and etc.
There have been many examples along the way of companies who failed to adapt or change with the market as it changed. There are companies that have failed because our Government has allowed foreign companies to use unfair labor practices to undercut American companies. This has caused many American companies both small and large to use foreign made products to keep prices low. We certainly have benefited as consumers but for the jobs sector this has certainly changed America. If just look at the Steel Industry in this country and how even Japan makes more Steel than American companies do. We allow nations China, India, Japan and many other put high tariffs on our products making them near impossible to sell world wide. Is this how are Federal Government is helping small, medium, and large companies grow to create jobs for Americans. This isn't the doing of the current administration but of the past 30-40 years of continuing to see jobs exported out of the country.
Crony Capitalism is the current affliction that has also crossed the path of Americans since the 1980's. When a company or corporation has no worry about failing they will risk everything for short term profits. I will use Fannie and Freddy as an example, They can risk without worrying about failing for the are backed by the Government. (you and me) They knew when these risky investments imploded that our Federal Tax dollars would be there to bail them out. So in real terms there is no risk, they lose nothing and the American taxpayer gets to foot the bill. This isn't true Capitalism where you succeed or fail with no Government to bail you out from your greed and incompetent behavior.
The Government isn't there to protect business's that can't put common sense in front of Corporate Greed. We don't bailout small business when it fails and so large companies deserve the same consideration. Capitalism has never been the problem, its Governments failure to help American business and Governments failure to let the market correct itself. We have failed by allowing companies to rely on Government for assistance and this practice must not continue. The failed economy wasn't just of the previous administrations doing but of many allowing corporate America a safety net. The American public should be demanding that no company receive Tax Payers money for any reason. No company should be under the protection of the Government as well (Fannie and Freddie) for any reason. If a person doesn't make enough money, doesn't have the right credit they shouldn't be allowed to buy a home. Everyone deserves a home but you must be realistic about whether you can afford that home in the first place.
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