Thursday, July 8, 2010

Drops Charges Against Two Illegal Aliens, While Home Owner Could Face Life in Burglary Case

I got this from ShaneAHayes(thanks) from twitter, please drop a email or phone call to this DA because this is just plain wrong.

Your help is needed to protect the right to defend personal property.

This is not some far away land; this is Wheat-Ridge Colorado.

Two known illegal immigrants stole an 82-year-old-man's trailer and attempted to run him over in the process, he defended himself by firing shots and striking one of the men. The illegals, with prior offenses, have been given a deal by the District Attorney to escape charges and testify against the 82 year old citizen.

The criminals have already consulted a lawyer to get their civil suit in order so they can sue him for everything he has after the successful prosecution.

Your rights and liberty are being taken away daily and this is YOUR chance to put pressure on this DA and let them know "We The People" will not stand for this and we will set things straight.

Here is the DA you need to contact:

Scott Storey

District Attorney

500 Jefferson County Parkway

Golden, CO 80401


or email him at:

I found a link to this story,0,231586.story

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