Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day

 I know throughout this great nation today we will be celebrating our country's 234th birthday today.  I would like to thank all the men and women who have served this country faithfully both home and abroad.  The sacrifice began with the revolutionary soldiers and has continued to this very day in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We must cherish what others do and have done so we can celebrate with friends and family on our nations birthday.  We also need to remember that our duty is to them and protecting this country at home from those wishing to harm us.  Patriots come in many sizes and shapes, backgrounds, from a street vendor who helps find a terrorist to a mother waiting for her son or daughter to return from service.  Choose your own path to be a Patriot and serve this great nation but our Founders left this in our hands.  We are responsible for the future of this great nation, We will have nobody to blame except ourselves if we fail.

 I want to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day and express thanks to all service men around once again my thanks for your service.  I would also like to thank my grandfather William A Dunning who served in World War II and is celebrating his 65th wedding anniversary today to my grandmother.

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