Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why Obama wants Amnesty

 We saw the same old recycled rhetoric from Obama in his speech today about Illegal immigration.  The regular Democrats (how few there are in Congress) along with the progressives are playing the sympathy card on Americans.  That Illegals come here for a better life, a new start and the American dream that has happened to many immigrants of the past. The Democrats convinced most Americans of color that Republicans are racist, don't care about them and wish they would go away.  Obama is doing this same tactic about the illegals, that anyone opposed to them being here against federal law hates them for their skin tone.
We have seen this before from them about other minorities and the tactic has worked for Black Americans vote 85% or up Democrat.  This isn't about race, the left spins it that way because it suits what they want and that is the votes. 

Then why does everyone who is opposed to illegal immigration have no problem with legal immigrants going through the system to become Americans.  We have changed immigration policy in this country over the years as most country's do as times change.  Once this country was wide open with space to fill, Once this country had immigrants rely on themselves not the government.  They received help from communities, churches and local groups that helped them begin the new life here in America.  The problem is things have changed and our laws have changed to protect America from becoming overburdened by those who wish to come here.  I know people on the left get bent out of shape when you bring up economic issues about illegals but my question is why are American taxpayers forced to pay for them.

 They aren't American citizen's, yet we give them health care for free, they get assistance from the federal and state governments.  I know of a local DES(Department of Economic and Security) person here in AZ that had over 490 illegal mothers about to give birth.  We are paying about $15,000 per person for people who aren't Americans, nobody else does this and most places around the world you must be economically viable to immigrant legally to their country.  My question is Why we should pay?  Has it become Americas problem that the rest of the world doesn't know how to run their country.  Why don't they all immigrate to some South American country or some European country or even Africa.  The simple truth is we have made it easy to break our laws and they know that the federal government here isn't interested in fixing the problem. 

 We are a nation of immigrants and nobody denies this but we simply can't afford to take on every ones  citizen's.  If we don't control what is going our local, state and federal system will collapse,  There is tough decisions that Americans must make sometimes.  The left may not like this but Economics has brought many nations to collapse over the history of man.  To ignore this part of are illegal immigration problem is to our detriment.

 We need change in Washington that is clear, I mean on both sides of the aisle for they have forgotten that this is supposed to be about service.  Representing the people of their towns, cities, counties, and states not serving their own self interest.

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