I had come across several weeks ago a website talking about this legislation about immigrants. The basic idea is giving a pathway to citizenship through college or through military service. I would certainly have no problem with someone getting an easier path to citizenship for fighting and defending our Nation. This has actually gone on for many years as legal immigrants have joined the military as a path to citizenship. The problem with the dream act is simple, We pay for illegal immigrants to go to school and they get a path to citizenship. Can anybody say Amnesty by Education, I read this article in the Arizona Republic and the link is at the bottom of the post.
It's a typical article about how illegal aliens are being treated like second class citizens, the truth is they aren't citizens to begin with. Their parents knew that by breaking our laws that their children would run into obstacles as they get older. There is also nothing in the article about cost, What is going to be the cost to the American taxpayer to send illegals children to college? The parents across this country have enough trouble affording sending their kids to college without having to pay for others who aren't citizens. All your open border, education leaders on the left and all immigration groups support this for reasons you can understand. So for two years of college or trade school, you can get citizenship for breaking the law. You will hear all the heart string stories thrown at you for opposing such a bill, you will once again be called a racist, etc. What happened to if something doesn't feel right or sound right can't I oppose that legislation.
I can't enter in other country illegally and go to school for two years and become a citizen, so why are we doing this? We are supposed to feel bad for these illegal immigrants children, All these countries who can't take care of their citizens expect we are required to do so. We have plenty of American citizens who need help, plenty of poor in this country who are American citizens who could use are help. The focus of this country must return to Americans first, all Nations should put it's citizens before any others.
The Dream Act is nothing but Amnesty for some, a sneaky attempt to grant some while they work on Amnesty for the rest. Call, Write or Email your federal representative to oppose this act.
Go to http://www.congress.org/ in the upper right corner you can enter your zip and get both federal and state officials for your district.
The article on azcentral.com
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