Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NASA-Why Obama has it wrong

 I sometimes wonder about American achievement and whether we can regain some of our pride in our achievements again.  You can see this clearly in a policy by the Obama administration about cutting NASA's legs from under them.  When did competition in this country become a horrible idea?  It was this very same competition that we set our goal of being the first nation to the moon.  Where has the pride in achievement gone to, how would everyone feel the day an American spacecraft landed on Mars to plant our Flag. Obama would rather share our technology, our inventions, our goals and diminish American pride in doing something before anyone else.

 Americans have the right to be proud of our accomplishments and we should be teaching our youth to dream big and to aspire to those dreams.  Does cutting our Space Program so we can go be tourists hitching riding on Russian spaceships the message we need to be sending.  The government wastes money in many different ways, I believe the Space Program needs to continue for many reasons.  I believe we are making a huge mistake by allowing Obama to change the direction and focus of our great Space Program.  How will we inspire the next great generation of Astronauts if there is no ship to fly and no goal for them to achieve.

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