Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Feds sue AZ but not Santuary Cities

   Selective Enforcement

The Federal Government filed suit against Arizona for SB1070 stating it would hurt their enforcement of illegal immigration. This is within the rights of the Government to challenge any laws they believe is beyond the scope of States Rights.  I believe they are wrong in this challenge as the law was written to meet within the guidelines of the Federal Immigration Laws.

 Then my question would be this, Why don't you sue sanctuary cities for not enforcing Federal Law.  If a Town, City, County or State refuses to enforce immigration law they are violating Federal Law.  To ignore Federal Law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL regardless of the reason for ignoring them.  This is selective prosecution which is also UNCONSTITUTIONAL but nobody in the Federal Government will do anything about these cities.  I would love to see someone with a spine ask Obama, Axlerod, Emanuel or Gibbs about why they don't target cities who protect people breaking Federal Law.

 The next time one of them utters the words about the border being secured to ask about the 50 billion dollars worth of cocaine flowing into this Country.  Ask them about all the drug violence around the border towns the main stream media under reports everyday. 

 I know many have seen the below video but think of what Border Patrol puts up with. A Government not interested in securing the border, won't have your back when bad things happen.  There have been many incidents in clashes with people and several border agents have gone to jail.  The video below shows how out of touch the progressive left is with this problem.

Activist talking about Border Patrol

Our Federal Government has been failing us along our border and it must stop. If they won't or can't fix the problem it may be left to the States.

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1 comment:

  1. :'-( I went through a process of enlightenment over the last few months regarding our government. Now I am going through a process of trying to figure out how to not bash my head into a wall every time I read something like this.
