Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Fight Begins

 The Obama administration finally filed suit today against SB1070, not that this is really a big surprise or anything.  There is a couple of things that are very interesting however, one you notice they waited until the Supreme Court was out of session and no mention of racial profiling.  The Supreme Court being out of session means if they get an injunction the state would have to wait for the next session to appeal to the Supreme Court.  They seem to be claiming that because the federal government doesn't enforce all the immigration laws that the Arizona can't either.

The suit, filed in Phoenix, claims Arizona's new law "will conflict and undermine the federal government's careful balance of immigration enforcement priorities and objectives," and divert resources from the "dangerous aliens who the federal government targets as its top enforcement priority."  This statement alone is enough to prove that our federal government has no interest in enforcing our laws or protecting the border. I believe that Arizona is doing what it must do, take a stand against a federal government who is failing every American citizen.  This isn't about one particular party or the other, Bush failed us by not doing his job on the border and now Obama is doing no different. 

 The American people where made a promise back in 1986 after Reagan passed the last immigration law which granted amnesty to 3+ millions of illegals.  We where promised the border would be protected, promised that illegals wouldn't be able to find jobs to keep Americans working and wages up.  There are many reasons to enforce our immigration laws and they all matter, for we are a nation of laws which can be changed.  Giving amnesty to those who broke our laws is the easy way out, calling anyone a racist for wanting our laws enforced is the easy way out, suing a state for trying to do your job is the easy way out.

 It's very simple Mr President and Congress, so please pay attention, Secure our Border, enforce our laws and no more States will need to DO YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

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